We are called by God to reach S.E.E.D communities, ultimately giving them Jesus and their own church.
We are called by God to reach S.E.E.D communities, ultimately giving them Jesus and their own church.
Why SEEDnet?
Because the "least of these" need Jesus. Through the Gospel of Jesus, we give hope to Spiritually, Emotionally, Economically, and Developmentally oppressed people in desperate, marginalized, dangerous, poor areas. This type of ministry can be scary and feel risky to some people who want to help, so SEEDnet builds the bridge between you and those who desperately need hope and your help. Your support allows discipleship opportunities, a place for vital needs to be met, and creates a hub for personal growth and development over a lifetime. Your support and partnership have an impact on future generations for Christ as we plant churches.Staff
Nathan Wells
Andy Shank
Regional Ambassadors
Every summer I like to give you an update on what God has done through SEEDnet since the previous summer.
God is answering your prayers!
Here are some pretty great highlights.
We continue go to some of the most forgotten, toughest, poorest and most marginalized places on the planet to give people Jesus and their own church right where they live.
Since last summer God has blessed us with 95 people professing to put their faith in Christ for salvation and many of those are still involved in the church that meets in their neighborhood!
Currently, we have 50 church plants in 7 states regularly ministering to over 900 people. Our goal is to plant another 190 churches in the next 4 1/2 years!
The Word of God is taught, prayer is engaged, relationships are enjoyed and mission is empowered at each church.
Nearly half of the people we minister to each week are committed to the church that meets in their apartment complex or trailer park. These people find their true friends, spiritual food and mission from the church that is planted where they live. Their individual walks with Jesus are encouraged and growing within these churches. Their continued commitment is amazing considering how inconsistent and non-committal their lives are in general.
We continue to work with other ministries and social organizations to address the real, material needs that come with poverty.
Since last summer we have presented the gospel to thousands of people in SEED areas, mostly in small group and one on one encounters.
We are sharing the gospel of Jesus and planting SEED churches in the city and the country. We have various ethnic backgrounds represented in many of our plants and are specifically planting churches in the following people groups: Guatemalan in the Northeastern Ohio region, Cherokee Indian in Cherokee North Carolina, and Arabic people in the greater Detroit area.
40 people are going through our leadership development training. These people are local leaders, many of whom live in the apartment complexes and trailer parks where our churches meet.
Sin is being confronted & confessed! Addictions are being broken! Healing is happening! Miracles are occurring! The Church of Jesus Christ is prevailing against the gates of hell in SEED areas!
We have also begun a personal evangelism training that our people will be going through. This training is also being offered to other local, more traditional churches, so let us know if your church is interested.
Enjoy celebrating with us! Your prayers, gifts, and encouragement are all indispensable to SEEDnet! Praise God for the great things He has done since last summer!!!
For more information, testimonies and videos visit: goseednet.com or visit us on facebook.com/goseednet
Since last summer God has blessed us with 95 people professing to put their faith in Christ for salvation and many of those are still involved in the church that meets in their neighborhood!
Currently, we have 50 church plants in 7 states regularly ministering to over 900 people. Our goal is to plant another 190 churches in the next 4 1/2 years!
The Word of God is taught, prayer is engaged, relationships are enjoyed and mission is empowered at each church.
Nearly half of the people we minister to each week are committed to the church that meets in their apartment complex or trailer park. These people find their true friends, spiritual food and mission from the church that is planted where they live. Their individual walks with Jesus are encouraged and growing within these churches. Their continued commitment is amazing considering how inconsistent and non-committal their lives are in general.
We continue to work with other ministries and social organizations to address the real, material needs that come with poverty.
Since last summer we have presented the gospel to thousands of people in SEED areas, mostly in small group and one on one encounters.
We are sharing the gospel of Jesus and planting SEED churches in the city and the country. We have various ethnic backgrounds represented in many of our plants and are specifically planting churches in the following people groups: Guatemalan in the Northeastern Ohio region, Cherokee Indian in Cherokee North Carolina, and Arabic people in the greater Detroit area.
40 people are going through our leadership development training. These people are local leaders, many of whom live in the apartment complexes and trailer parks where our churches meet.
Sin is being confronted & confessed! Addictions are being broken! Healing is happening! Miracles are occurring! The Church of Jesus Christ is prevailing against the gates of hell in SEED areas!
We have also begun a personal evangelism training that our people will be going through. This training is also being offered to other local, more traditional churches, so let us know if your church is interested.
Enjoy celebrating with us! Your prayers, gifts, and encouragement are all indispensable to SEEDnet! Praise God for the great things He has done since last summer!!!
For more information, testimonies and videos visit: goseednet.com or visit us on facebook.com/goseednet